More MCAT Notes


Thus far, I’ve shown what I believe to be the essential resources for the MCAT:
the official AAMC material, UWorld, the Khan Academy videos, and Anki (please consult the MCAT Resources page).

In addition, THIS Reddit page has a compilation of almost every useful MCAT resource for content review; feel free to just explore and see what appeals most to you.

On this page, I’m just going to highlight some additional resources that could be useful to you.

jack westin free practice - CARS

Link: Jack Westin Question of the Day – CARS

CARS is the trickiest section for a lot of people. Unlike the other three sections, there isn’t really a “content review” for CARS. What matters most for this is to simply practice critically reading long, dense passages.

The link above is to access free CARS passages posted everyday. While I cannot say anything about the paid tutoring or preparation courses offered by Jack Westin (in general, I don’t recommend paying for stuff like that), the link above is updated everyday with a new reading passage alongside 5-8 corresponding questions, mimicking an MCAT CARS passage. Bookmark that link, and get in the habit of practicing one passage a day – at least!

Notes for the Khan academy videos

Link: Khan Academy Notes

These notes correspond to every Khan Academy topic for all subjects! A Reddit team led by user fVanilla helped created these. You can use these to follow alongside the Khan Academy videos without having to take your own notes, saving time and allowing you to reference material easily. They are organized in order of how the videos for each subject go.

Amino acid quiz - app

Link: Amino Acid Quiz app

Amino Acids are one of the most important subjects to be an expert in. They serve as the foundation for so many different questions throughout the MCAT. You need to be an expert in recognizing their names, structures, and their 1-letter and 3-letter abbreviations. This app, which you can download for free, is a great way to just quiz yourself whenever you have some time. It’s a quick and easy way of learning the fundamentals of amino acids!

Additional online resources - magoosh

Link: Free resources from Magoosh

There are many websites that provide MCAT tips and strategies for free; you don’t have to resort to the expensive formal prep courses. One such useful site is Magoosh, which I linked above. Magoosh is a site that aims to provide the most up-to-date college test preparation resources for graduate and professional exams, such as the MCAT. They offer a variety of free resources for students that you can browse.

Of particular use are the free sample study schedules, which you can follow along exactly or use as a solid framework so you don’t have to create a schedule from scratch. Other great resources are the AAMC Practice Test Explanations, as those provide in-depth logic and reasoning on why a particular answer from any of the official AAMC full-length exams is correct. 

There are many other great resources in the link I provided, including miscellaneous note compilations on doing math calculations, determining units, understanding vocabulary term definitions, and much more. There are even more in-depth resources like sample error-log trackers when doing practice problems. I highly recommend checking out Magoosh’s free MCAT prep!